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Car security is as good as ever, and many modern cars have a whole load of security and theft prevention features now as standard. However, the thieves are also becoming more capable too. Don’t get caught out and open your car up to potential thieves by protecting your car as much as you can. Follow our top car theft prevention tips to help keep your car safe and warn off thieves.

1. Lock your car. 

Probably the simplest ways to prevent car theft is to lock your car. Get into the habit of always locking your vehicle each time you get out and in the vehicle, especially if you’re a new driver. Many modern cars come with an auto-locking system, which after about 30-60 seconds the vehicle will lock all doors. However, you should never rely on auto-locking as it can be easy for opportunist thieves to gain access to your car within the timeframe. Before you exit the vehicle, check all windows, including the sunroof, are closed too.

If a thief gains access to your vehicle because you left it unlocked, its highly likely you won’t be covered by your car insurance provider. 


2. Invest in a steering wheel lock. 

A steering wheel lock can be a great deterrent to car thieves. They can be seen through the window and can put potential thieves off. A steering wheel lock helps prevent car theft because it is a device which attaches to the steering wheel and makes it pretty much impossible to move or drive the car. Not only that but they’re also highly visible and may persuade potential thieves to not even bother.

Did you know some cars are more likely to be stolen than others? 😮

Check out our list of the most stolen cars in the UK!

3. Keep your keys safe. 

One easy way to prevent car theft is to keep your keys safe and out of sight. With cars having more advanced security, car thieves are more focused on stealing keys to gain access to vehicles. You should never leave your keys anywhere unattended when you’re out in public and keep them out of sight at home. Don’t leave them near windows or have a key hanger which is right next to the front door. The emergence of keyless car technology also makes it easier for thieves to get into cars.

How to prevent keyless car theft: 

Keyless car fobs are used in many popular models as standard. they look like a car key but can unlock the vehicle just by being in the vicinity of it. These fobs have a short-range transmitter that sends a signal to the car when the button is pressed. They can used to unlock, start and stop the vehicles and can do so for up to 20 metres! To ensure keyless car theft can’t happen, keep your fob car key away from the vehicle to prevent it from being unlocked whist you’re in the house. You could also consider investing in a signal-blocking pouch which you can store your keyless vehicle key in to ensure it does not unlock the vehicle by accident. 

4. Think before you park. 

Did you know where you park your car can impact its likelihood of being stolen? Where possible, you should avoid parking in dark and dimly lit places. Quieter and secluded areas make it easier for thieves because it’s less likely for someone to see them. If you’re parking in public, try to choose a well-lit, CCTV-monitored car park and park next to other drivers rather than away from them. Thieves may be less likely to target your vehicle if it’s near to other cars.

What to do if car on finance is stolen?

5. Security cameras or lights for your home. 

Investing in security cameras and security lights can help to prevent car theft outside of your home. By positioning the cameras on your vehicle and getting motion-powered security lights, you can help deter thieves. Not only that but the security cameras will provide you with vital footage should a thief attempt to steal your vehicle. 

6. Hide your valuables. 

Preventing car theft is all about forward planning and making your vehicle less attractive to potential thieves. Leaving your valuables in your car can be tempting for thieves to gain access to the vehicle and steal them. Then, once they’re in, they may even steal the car too! You could consider hiding your valuables and electronics in the boot out of sight or taking them with you when you exit the car.

If you’ve been asking yourself ‘should I invest in a dash cam?‘ We’d say yes! Dash cameras can be a great way to record footage of potential thieves. However, they can be attractive to thieves too. If your dash cam does not record even when the engine is switched off, it can be best to remove it from the car when you’re not present.

If you’re not sure which dash cam to choose, check out our list of the best dash cams for your car.

7. Car security gadgets.

Did you know in many cases it’s actually illegal to leave your car running? It may be tempting to leave your engine on when de-icing or warming up your car, or even when popping into the local shop. However, it can be illegal to do so. Especially, if you’re on a public road. If a thief decides to take advantage of the situation and steal your car while the engine is running, it can void your car insurance policy and you wouldn’t be able to make a claim.

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