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How are traffic jams caused?

How are traffic jams caused?

Do you ever feel like you’re driving along, and a traffic jam appears out of nowhere? What’s worse is having no apparent reason for the road being gridlocked! There are a few reasons why traffic jams occur, from someone braking harshly to skipping a red...

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Best cars with low road tax

Best cars with low road tax

There’s no getting away from the fact that owning and running a car can be expensive but there’s no reason why road tax should be holding you down. In the UK, all cars must be taxed and is enforced by the DVLA. The amount a car pays for road tax can be...

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Best Used Cars Under £5,000 (Updated for 2024)

Best Used Cars Under £5,000 (Updated for 2024)

Which cars can I buy for under £5k? If you have a budget to stick to but don’t want to compromise on the car, then you’ve come to the right place. We’re counting down our top picks of the very best used cars under £5,000. Whether you’re looking for power under the...

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Cheapest Places to Park your Car in the UK

Cheapest Places to Park your Car in the UK

The cheapest places to park your car in the UK. For some drivers, the cost of parking in the UK can put them off visiting a place due to high costs. The team at Parkopedia, a leading parking service, shows drivers the car parking rates of different cities in the UK....

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How to buy a used car

How to buy a used car

Buying a second-hand car, whether you’re buying privately or from a dealership, does have many advantages over buying a brand-new car. The biggest advantage of buying used is avoiding depreciation, as new cars can lose up to 60% of their value within the first...

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